Well Pump Repair & Services


Well Pump Repair & Services

Wendell Lee Well Services is the best in the area in servicing and making repairs to all types of water well pumping systems. From small single phase 1/2 HP submersible pumps to 20 HP three phase 100 gallon per minute pumps, we extend our reach to all size pump repair jobs. Whether it is a pump, tank, water line leak, or electrical problem, we stock our trucks and shelves with the highest quality parts and tools to diagnose any problem quickly and accurately. We also have equipment capable of pulling pumps in places hard to access by a large service truck. The size of well is limited by this equipment so be as descriptive as possible when making a service call to our office.

What People Say About Us

I can't believe how well this works! Baaaaaaaadddd sulphur smell is GONE after just a few days. Totally worth the cost.

Dan Townsend

Excellent! Thanks so much for explaining all that, Wendell. That for sure is not the easiest subject by a long shot. Your concern that we the viewer/listeners understand this material is very evident. And that makes you a very fine teacher!!!

Tom Nagle

Fantastic! Thank you soo much! Great explanation especially the pros & cons.

R. Delgado

I did exactly what you discussed! I bought land that the water was on the neighbor's land but thankfully the deed gave me lifetime water rights to it so it a good idea to make sure! I did end up having a well dug any way. So great advice from you !

Jacqueline Baker

We Offer Emergency Service For All Well Pump Repair

During The Week & Weekend